Monday, April 2, 2012

Ode to the death of a favorite phone

Another parody! This one's a reworking of 'Ode to the Death of a favourite Cat' by Thomas Grey ( memory of my cracked iPhone screen courtesy my dog Kola, written, as usual, in class. The horrors narrated below transpired when we were returning from the Pujo Pandal at night & Kola tackled us in welcome, causing me to drop the delicate phone (Stupid impractical fingerhold-less phone with a fragile screen, which costs a fortune to mend to boot) causing it to smash its face on the asphalt)

Ode to the Death of a Favourite Phone 

T'was on a dark and gloomy night
That America’s costliest art had mired
The pretty phone that blew,
Silliest of the canine kind
Boka Kola got aligned
And jumped up from below

Her conscious tale her joy declared
The dark round face, the warty beard
The mud tracked on her paws,
Her coat that with the auroch vies
Her ears of jet, and soulful eyes
She saw and set her course

Still had she stay’d, but midst the tide
Two loved forms were seen to glide
Of family Mukherjee,
Their dresses colourful Puja sheen
Through richest crimson did the scene
Betray a high-tech gleam

The hapless sis with wonder saw
A whisker first and then the dog;
Pulling an anxious face,
She stretched in vain to reach device
What teenage heart can tech despise,
What dog’s averse to mess?

Presumptuous maid! With looks intent
Desperate she stretched, down she bent
Nor knew the gulf between
(Malignant fate sat by and smiled)
Her slippery tips the phone beguiled
It tumbled and did spin

Eight cracks emerging on its hood
It shattered, evoking all tech Gods
Some speedy aid to send.
No iTunes came, nor Apple stirred
Nor cruel Jobbs nor Stevie heard
Product callback has no trend

From hence you foolhardies, undeceived,
Know one false step is nev’r retrieved
And so with caution discern
Since all that tempts your wandering sight
And tech fetish is defective trite
And all that shatters, an iPhone.

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